Canoe tour between Wannsee and Potsdam

Berlin, Germany
Period of time: 6h
Price: 46,80 € per adult / children 23,40 € / discounted 32,50 €  
Auf dem Krseliner Flie bei Feldberg2

Organisational Details

Participants: 10-30 person (Open tour)

Registration: 3 days before deadline

Languages: German, English, French

Booking option: Booking on fixed rate

Description of Tour

Meeting point for the day tours is on Saturdays at 11 am at the Ronnebypromenade between the jetty and the Wannseebrücke at the Großer Wannsee resp. Sundays at 11 am at the harbour Auf dem Kiewitt 33 A in Potsdam Charlotenhof.

We sail the small Havelsee chain with the small Wannsee, the Pohlesee and the Stölpchensee and through the narrow Griebnitzkanal with its one-way street regulation. The tour continues over the Griebnitzsee and the Tiefen See. On the way there is much to discover of Berlins and Potsdams nature.

The tour is 13 kilometers long and leads not only through forests and meadows, but also past worth seeing city mansions and castles. Halfway we take a break in a restaurant at the S-Bhf. Griebnitzsee. Arrival in Potsdam or Wannsee is around 17:30.



Canoes for 3 and 4, paddles, life jackets, waterproof pack sacks and buoys, tour guide



suitable for beginners

Information about the Guide of the Agency

Gerhard Hagemeier
Gerhard Hagemeier2


Guide since 2000
What I offer: guided canoe tours in Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Poland.
Location: Berlin, Germany
Language: German, English, French
Booking: Tours with fixed price, Individual Bookings
Experience:: since 2000