Chiemsee - Islands

Prien am Chiemsee, Germany
Period of time: 8h
Price: 390 € per group
Category:: Rundfahrten

Organisational Details

Participants: 1-50 person (Only group booking)

Languages: German, English, Italian

Booking option: Booking on fixed rate

Description of Tour

Boat trip from Prien to Herreninsel, guided tour through the castle park to the castle of King Ludwig II, exclusive castle tour, onward trip to Fraueninsel, guided tour on Fraueninsel with a visit to the minster of the Beneditinnerinnenkonvent.



Pick up from the parking lot Prien - Stock. Guided tour on Herreninsel and Fraueninsel, including castle tour.

NavigationAdmission to the castleSurcharge for foreign language: 10€ per hour


Portrait 004klein


Guide since 1995
What I offer: guided tours, tour guide, tour packages
Language: German, English, Italian
Booking: Tours with hourly price, Individual Bookings
Experience:: since 1995