Jewish Cemetery Schönhauser Allee

Berlin, Germany
Period of time: 2h
Price: 156 € per group
Category:: Stadttouren
Max Liebermann 2 Kopie2

Organisational Details

Participants: 1-30 person (Only group booking)

Languages: German, English, Hebrew

Booking option: Booking on fixed rate

Description of Tour

The Jewish cemetery Schönhauser Allee provides countless testimonies to the modernization and assimilation of Berlin's Jewish community during the 19th century. We see the gravesites of Max Liebermann, Giacomo Meyerbeer, James Simon and other important Jewish citizens.





2018 08 05 23.25.28


Guide since 1999
What I offer: City Tours in Berlin
Location: Berlin, Germany
Language: German, English, Hebrew
Booking: Tours with fixed price, Individual Bookings
Experience:: since 1999