Baden-Baden / Russian

Baden Baden, Germany
Period of time: 3h
Price: 232,05 € per group
Category:: Stadttouren

Organisational Details

Participants: 1-30 person (Only group booking)

Registration: 2 days before deadline

Languages: Russian

Booking option: Booking on fixed rate

Description of Tour

Walking tour of Baden-Baden - villas and VIP hotels, Lichtental Alley, Museum Burda, Kurhaus, world-famous Casino, Drinking Gallery, Russian nobility and Russian writers in Baden-Baden - Turgenev and Dostoevsky, thermal baths in Caracal and Friedrichsbad, traces of Roman period. You will hear about Pauline Viardot, Clara Schumann, Johannes Brahms, the Russian Tsar Alexander I, the Dukes Menshikov and so on.



Preis für Stadtführung ist als Festpeis, Pauschalpreis pro Gruppe mit 1-30 Teilnehmern gemeint.

The total price for the individual tour is 1-30 participants.

Travel expenses, parking fees.


Ira St 2


Guide since 2000
What I offer: Russian City Tours in Southwest Germany + Alsace
Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
Language: Russian
Booking: Tours with hourly price, Individual Bookings
Experience:: since 2000