Participants: 2-5 person (Open tour)
Registration: 5 days before deadline
Languages: English, Italian
Booking option: Booking on fixed rate
In the refectory of the Dominican convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, adjoining the church of the same name, is the legendary painting by Leonardo da Vinci: the Last Supper. Leonardo painted it on the north wall of the dining hall between 1494 and 1498, during the reign of Ludovico il Moro. The technique he used, the environmental conditions, and historical events over the centuries have caused the painting to become seriously deteriorated, a process that was already observed and noted only a few years after its completion. Over time there have been several restorations; the most recent, completed in 1999, recovered Leonardo’s original colours and removed (where possible), various layers of overpainting that had been applied during the previous restorations.
The Last Supper is one of the world’s most viewed paintings.
Visit to the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie can also be done on request.
Entrance bookings to be agreed upon at the time of booking the guided visit and well in advance (at least one month) due to large numbers wishing to visit.
Guided tour
Please choose a date in the calendar and make a request.